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Why is the referral partner not showing as expected in my reports?

< 1 min read

Referral partners are only assigned to contracts that are created after the referral partner has been set up within the Customer. If the referral partner hasn’t pulled through on a sales report or other areas of the system, please follow these steps:

Firstly, identify if the referral partner should be pulling through to your reports

  1. Search for the customer/Lead that the referral partner is assigned to – in either customers or leads respectively
  2. Click Select action (in customers) or go (in leads)
  3. Click History & Notes
  4. Check the notes to find the date that the Referral Partner was added to the customer/lead – note this down
  5. Navigate to Pipeline and search for the contract that you are querying
  6. Click Go > History & Notes and note the date that the contract was first added to the system

    – If the contract was added after the referral partner but isn’t showing in your reports, please send an email to support.
    – If the contract was added before the referral partner was added, then you need to manually update the contract by following the below steps:
  7. Click Go on the contract
  8. Click Referral Partners
  9. Add the Referral Partner and percentage
  10. Click Save