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Why does the system say my meter already exists?

< 1 min read

Sometimes, when you’re adding a meter to a Customer you might come across the following error message:

“A Meter with the specified MPAN/MPRN already exists for this utility type (customer name goes here). This is a customer (not a Lead). Please find and remove the duplicate meter before retrying.”

We try to prevent you from hitting data issues by ensuring that meters are not added to the same customer and utility multiple times. To find the existing meter in your system:

  1. Navigate to Customers
  2. Type the customer name into the name field and click ‘Search Customers’
  3. Click the customer name in the ‘Customer’ column
  4. On the side menu click Meters/Supplies
  5. Type the meter number and click the all tab

You will now see both active and inactive meters for that customer, and you can decide whether you wish to delete or re-activate the meter.