Matrix prices are updated whenever you send over a new Flatfile/Pricebook to our team. We do not have a direct relationship with suppliers, so we rely on you to send over pricebooks for the suppliers you work with.
When you receive new prices please forward them straight over to our flatfile team who will work quickly to update the files in your system.
You will then see these prices whenever you create an Instant Quote or a matrix Tender.
If you’d like to check whether the matrix prices are up to date –
- Log in to your system
- Navigate to ‘Suppliers’
- Search for the Supplier whose flatfile/pricebook you are enquiring about
- Click ‘Products’ on the side menu
A table of products for this supplier will appear - Use the ‘Search’ field to look for the product name
- Underneath the column labelled ‘Flat File Version’, you will see the date that the last flatfile/pricebook was imported into the system