User Types


User Types

Understand the different Teams and user types within them. Learn about the visibility and functionality each user type has within the system.

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Within the system, User types dictate the access available to that user in the system, to allow you the ability to restrict certain access where needed.

Management Team

Always present for every partner, and contains the Super-Admin Users

  • Super Admin – access to everything including Admin and Analytics

Internal Team

A team within a broker that you separate for reporting purposes e.g Corporate and SME or teams headed by a particular manager.

  • Team Member – Access to everything excluding Admin and Analytics (can also have access to Bill Validation, tick ‘Has Bill Validation Access’)
  • Lead Manager – Access only to Pipeline, Leads and Customers (no Procurement)
  • Lead Generator – Access only to Pipeline, Leads and Customers (no Procurement)

Sub-Broker Team

A team specifically for Sub-Broker user types with restricted access to the system

  • Sub-Broker -Access to everything excluding Admin, Analytics and Suppliers