Adding News to the Customer Portal – global


adding news to the Customer portal – global

Here is how you add a news item to all of your portals

  1. First, you will need to log in to the system with a user who has Admin rights
  2. Hover over ‘Admin’ in the top menu bar and click ‘Portal Reports’ from the dropdown list
  3. Click ‘Add Report’
  4. Give your news item a title, short description and date that you wish to show on the report
  5. Click ‘Browse’ to find the report you want to upload
  6. Click the ‘Active’ tickbox if you want this report to be visible to the customer straight away, otherwise leave unticked. You can make this report active any time by coming back to the Portal Reports page, clicking edit and checking the tickbox
  7. If ‘Active’ was ticked, log in to any customer portal and you will see your news item in the ‘News’ section