Adding News to the Customer Portal – customer specific


adding news to the customer portal – customer specific

Here is how you add a news item to a customer-specific portal

  1. First, navigate to ‘Customers’ in the top menu bar
  2. Search for the customer whose portal you wish to add news to
  3. Click their name in the ‘Customer’ column
  4. On the left hand side there is a menu, click ‘Portal Reports’
  5. Click the ‘Add Report’ button
  6. Give your news item a title, short description and date that you want to appear on the news item.
  7. Choose the file you want to upload to the report
  8. Check/uncheck the active box depending on whether you want the news item to be visible to the customer. You can make this item visible/invisible any time by coming back to ‘Portal Reports’ and checking/unchecking the ‘Active’ tickbox
  9. If the tickbox is checked, log in to the customer’s portal and the item will now show under the ‘News’ section