Setting BILL VAL Parameters


setting bill val parameters

Learn how to set global and Customer level parameters for Bill Val

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There are two ways you can set up Bill Validation parameters: globally and at a customer level.

To set up global Bill Val Parameters

  1. Hover over the ‘Bill Validation’ menu item at the top of the page
  2. Click ‘Validation Settings’
  3. Here you will see a list of global settings
  4. To change the tolerance level of a particular setting: Click the orange box under the ‘Tolerance, %’ column
  5. Write in the percentage tolerance you are willing to accept e.g. if you enter ’10’ then the import will allow for a 10% difference (under or over) the figure in the bill
  6. Click the green tick to save or the red cross to remove your changes
  7. If you wish to make any of the settings globally inactive, ensure the tickbox under ‘Active’ is unchecked.

To set up Customer Level Bill Val Parameters (this will override global settings)

  1. Go to ‘Customers’ in the top menu
  2. Find your Customer by typing in their name and clicking ‘Search Customers’
  3. Click the Customer name under the ‘Customer’ column in the results returned from your search
  4. On the left hand side of the page, click the menu link ‘Bill Validation Settings’
  5. If the page is empty, click ‘Load Global Settings’
  6. You will see a list of Bill Val settings for this customer
  7. Here you can amend tolerances for this customer without affecting other customers
  8. You can also make their settings active/inactive without affecting other customers
  9. If after editing the settings, you wish to go back to Global Settings, click the ‘Load Global Settings’ button and all customer level settings will be removed