Adding a New Product


adding a new product

Learn how to set up a product

Review the video together with the steps outlined below, then use the button provided to continue to the next topic.

  1. Click ‘Suppliers’ in the top menu
  2. Search for the supplier you wish to add a product for and click their name under ‘Supplier Name’
  3. Click ‘Add Product’
  4. Give your new product a memorable name
  5. Choose which utility the product is for. Note: If you are creating for more than one utility, you will need to create more than one product
  6. Choose whether the product is bespoke or matrix
  7. Scroll to ‘Active?’ and tick the box

    If product is ‘Bespoke’
  1. Simply scroll down to ‘Supplier Payment Terms’ and choose the correct payment terms

    If product is ‘Matrix’
  1. Set up any Indirect Supplier commissions you have for this product
  2. ‘Standing Charge?’: Choose whether the product has a Standing Charge
  3. ‘Direct Debit?’: Is it a Direct Debit only product? If so, choose yes, if not choose no and if it allows both Direct Debit and non Direct Debit then choose N/A
  4. ‘Renewal?’: Is it a renewal only product? If so, choose yes, if not choose no and if it is Renewal and Acquisition choose N/A
  5. ‘AMR?’: Is it a smart meter product? If so, choose AMR, if not choose Non-AMR, and if it is both then choose ‘All’
  6. Min and Max Termination Notice is the amount of days a Customer has to terminate the product
  7. Min Valid Start Date determines the earliest date a price will be returned for this product e.g. if you enter 01/12/23 then no prices will return if you apply for prices before that date
  8. Max Valid Start Date determines the latest date a price will be returned for this product e.g.. if you enter 01/12/23 then no prices will return if you apply for prices after that date
  9. Max Contract End date is similar to the above in that prices will only show for contracts that end up to the date entered
  10. Min/Max Start days sets the amount of days after the contract has been sold that the contract can start within e.g. if you enter Min as 120 then the contract wouldn’t be allowed to start until 120 days later. If you entered the Max value as 30 then you can’t sell a contract that starts any further than 30 days away
  11. Commission Increment is the number that you’re allowed to increment the Commission by. E.g if you enter 3 p/kWh into Commission and 0.001 in Commission Increment then you would be able to enter commissions up to 3 decimal places
  12. Choose payment terms ‘Save’