Marking a Primary Contact


Marking a Primary Contact

Learn how to mark a contact as the primary contact for a customer.

Review the video together with the steps outlined below, then use the button provided to continue to the next topic.

  1. Open your customer and select ‘Contacts & Users’ within the treeview on the left
  2. Once you’ve created a contact (see how ‘how to add a new contact to a customer’ course).
  3. Select ‘go’ under ‘actions’ on the right-hand side for the customer you wish to mark as the primary contact.
  4. Select ‘Make primary contact’
  5. It will ask ‘are you sure you want to make this the primary contact for this Lead/customer?’
  6. If you’re happy to proceed, click ‘Ok’.
  7. You’ll now see a green tick in the column to show this is the primary contact.