Uploading a Customer Invoice


uploading a customer invoice

Learn how to upload your Supplier invoices

Review the video together with the steps outlined below, then use the button provided to continue to the next topic.

  1. To gain access to Bill Validation you need to be either a SuperAdmin or a Team Member with Bill Val permissions. Read our Guides Managing Existing Users > Editing a User and Team and User Setup > User Types for more information on how to give access to a Team Member.
  2. Navigate to ‘Bill Validation’ in the top menu
  3. Click ‘New Batch’
  4. Within the pop-up window there are two options:

    Native format – choose this if you have got the bill directly from the supplier
    UtilityClick’s format – if you haven’t received from the supplier you can download a template from the ‘Bill Validation’ page under ‘Download Template’, and fill the data in using our format
  5. Choose the name of the supplier you are uploading for from the ‘Supplier’ dropdown box
    Note: If you have chosen ‘Native Format’ – only the suppliers that we currently have mapped will appear.  If your supplier isn’t there, please send across an example of the bill to support@utilityclick.com and we will add them to our system
  6. Choose which utility you are uploading for e.g. gas, electricity or water
  7. Name your import and give it a meaningful reference. This will be your way of identifying the import against others
  8. Click ‘Choose File’ to upload your invoice. 
    Note: Above ‘Choose File’ you can see a list of accepted invoice file extensions for this supplier
  9. Click ‘Save’