Learn how to generate an LOA, send it to one of your contacts and how to store it in the CRM
Review the video together with the steps outlined below, then use the button provided to continue to the next topic.
- Open your Customer and select ‘customer details’ within the treeview
- Scroll down the bottom of this area to the Letter of Authority (LOA) box.
- Click ‘Generate LOA’
- Select the appropriate contact for the LOA (the signatory) from the ‘select contact’ dropdown.
- Select the LOA template you wish to use from the ‘select LOA template’ dropdown.
- At the bottom of the screen there will be two options for generating the LOA
a. Generate and Save will save a copy of the LOA created to the ‘Upload Unsigned LOA’ area.
b. Generate LOA will simply generate the PDF LOA for you to use.
- If you have email functionality setup, if you have uploaded the LOA, you will be able to email it to a your contact from the system. To do this, go to the contacts treeview, select actions to the right of the contact and select ’email unsigned LOA’ then click ‘Send LOA’.
- Once the LOA has been signed by your customer, go back to the LOA box within the customer details area, upload the signed LOA to the ‘upload signed LOA’ section and update the start and end date accordingly. Click Save at the bottom of the screen.
- You can check the status of an LOA by returning to this area and also in the customer search screen results.