Using Customer References


Using Customer References

Learn about how using customer references can help you keep track of the unique identifiers your company use for your customers internally.

Review the video together with the steps outlined below, then use the button provided to continue to the next topic.

  1. Open your customer and select ‘Customer References’ within the treeview on the left
  2. Here you will be able to see any customer references already assigned to your customer.
  3. To add a new one, select ‘add reference’ on the right.
  4. Input your reference number for this customer
  5. Select the appropriate ‘reference type’ from the drop-down. If you don’t see the reference type you need, you’ll need to ask one of your ‘Super AdminUsers to add this for you (we even have another course to show them how if they need it).
  6. Select the ‘linked to type’ for what this reference is linked to from the options
  7. Then select the associated Site, meter, contract etc from the ‘linked to’ dropdown
  8. Add the date the reference is valid from.
  9. Click save
  10. In this screen, you can view and edit customer references, plus you’ll now be able to use this reference to search under ‘advanced search’.