Overview Of Different Exports


Overview Of Different Exports

Overview of different exports and what they are for

Review the points outlined below, then use the button provided to continue to the next topic.

Activities: Export your activities
Contracts: Export contracts
MOP DC/DA: Export MOP and DC/DA contracts
Tenders: Export your tenders
Customers: Export your Customers
Leads: Export your Leads
Lead KPIs: Export key performance indicators for your leads
Contacts: Export your contacts
Portfolio: Export your meters
Sales: Export your sales
Supplier Contacts: Export your Supplier contact information
Products: Export the products setup for your suppliers
Referral Commission: Export your referral commission
Invoices: Export details of invoices processed through Bill Validation
Vendor Agreements: Export your Vendor Agreements
Budget Consumptions: Export Budget consumptions
Meter Lookups: Export a log of Meter Lookups used
Notes: Export a change log list of notes made on the history against Customers, Sites, Meters and Tenders