How To Run An Export


How To Run An Export

Learn how to run and download an export

Review the video together with the steps outlined below, then use the button provided to continue to the next topic.

  1. The various exports work in similar ways. First select the export type you require by scrolling through the options using the left and right arrows
  2. When you select an Export type, a form will appear underneath. Work through the fields to narrow down the results you want to achieve (we recommend doing this as if you don’t need every record in the system, the export will be quicker and you’ll spend less time trimming it down later)
  3. When you’re happy that you’ve selected the appropriate criteria, select ‘Export to Excel’ at the bottom of the form
  4. Click ‘Download data’ on the left-hand side menu, and this will take you to the ‘Download Exported Data’ page
  5. Your export will appear at the top, with a status bar showing its progress
  6. You may need to refresh your page to see when it is completed. When it is completed, select ‘Go’ on the right and ‘Download file’ and your export will appear in the ‘Downloads’ section of your computer